Statement Regarding Recent Unauthorized Use of TNL's Name and Trademarks
Recently we have discovered that some individuals of ulterior motives, without proper authorization, have been impersonating our company and using our company's trademarks. They have been arbitrarily sending fraudulent or spam emails, with The News Lens (TNL) ‘s title on it, to a mass audience. We would like to urge our members, industry partners, and users of our website that if you receive any suspicious or unsolicited emails, please do not hesitate to contact our company first for verification. You can reach us at the following email address:
Please refrain from clicking on any links from unknown sources to avoid falling victim to scams. Our company will take legal action against any activities that infringe upon our reputation and copyrights once sufficient evidence has been collected. With this statement, if you have any questions or concerns regarding our company, please feel free to contact us at the following email address: